
Discover how our specialized services in FinOps, Observability, Cloud, and Kubernetes can drive the success of your business in the digital age.

End to End Solutions

FinOps Optimization

We help clients identify areas of unnecessary or excessive spending in the cloud, enabling them to optimize their resources and significantly reduce operational costs.

Cost reduction

We assist clients in identifying unnecessary or excessive spending areas in the cloud, enabling them to optimize their resources and significantly reduce operational costs.

Financial transparency

We provide tools and detailed analysis that enable clients to fully understand their cloud costs, empowering them to make informed decisions and align their investments with their business objectives.

Continuous improvement

We implement sustainable FinOps strategies and practices that adapt and evolve with clients’ changing needs, ensuring continuous optimization of their cloud resources.

Integral Observability

We offer a comprehensive and detailed view of your cloud infrastructure and applications. By implementing advanced monitoring and analysis tools based on ML and AI, we ensure proactive detection of issues, performance optimization, and real-time informed decision-making.

Early detection of problems

Our observability solutions enable clients to proactively identify and resolve issues in their infrastructure and applications before they affect end users, enhancing the reliability and availability of their services.

Improved performance
Informed decision making
Cloud (J2C & C4E)

We harness the full potential of cloud platforms to drive innovation and growth for your company. Our team of certified experts in platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud designs and deploys scalable, secure, and highly available architectures tailored to your specific needs.

Scalability and flexibility

We design cloud architectures that allow clients to efficiently scale their resources according to demand, providing them with the necessary flexibility to quickly adapt to changes in the market or in their operations.

Security and compliance

We implement robust security practices and ensure compliance with relevant security regulations and standards, providing clients with peace of mind and protection for their data and assets.

Accelerated innovation

By fully leveraging the capabilities of the cloud, we help clients accelerate the development and deployment of new solutions and services, enabling them to stay at the forefront of innovation in their industry.

Kubernetes Management

We simplify container management and orchestration with Kubernetes, the leading platform for managing containerized applications. From initial deployment to automation and scaling, we take care of optimizing your Kubernetes environment to ensure optimal performance and high availability.

Simplification of administration

We handle the complexity of Kubernetes management, allowing clients to focus on application development and innovation rather than operational tasks.

Scalability and availability

We design and optimize highly scalable and resilient Kubernetes environments, ensuring that clients can meet changing workload demands and maintain availability for their critical applications.

Operational efficiency

We automate processes and workflows in Kubernetes, enabling clients to improve operational efficiency and reduce the time and resources dedicated to managing their container infrastructure.

Microcomputing services

Help Desk

Teams of professionals that provide first line attention to users, either by telephone, chat, intranet or any other contact scheme.

We have IP telephony services both local and in the cloud, which allows us to offer turnkey services.

On Site Support

We have a large team of technicians covering strategic points of the country, allowing us to provide field support structures under the most demanding SLA schemes.

We have developed a system of “Distributed Logistics On Demand”, which allows us to manage parts and spare parts of our customers, distributing them in a preventive way in the 45 centers we have throughout the country.

We have experience in the main monitoring and control tools.
This scheme allows us to repair equipment anywhere in the country without depending on transportation companies whose SLAs do not match the needs of our customers.


Smart Solutions has the capability to provide monitoring services, which are backed by years of experience in observability best practices, and clients throughout the region.

We have a team of specialists to offer consulting services. This allows us to guide our clients in the right direction in terms of evolving their observability schemes.

Special Projects
Special Projects

All companies are occasionally faced with needs that cannot be covered with their current staff, as an example we can name:

  • Datacenter moves
  • Deployment/migration of desktop equipment.
  • Printer fleet renewals
  • IP telephony migrations
  • Branch office closures (including logistics and final disposal)
  • Technological survey projects and tool upgrades
  • Migration to Assets with RFID scheme
  • User training
  • Applications survey
  • Branch openings

For all these challenges, we have a group of professionals, composed of Field Technicians, Logistics Specialists, Project Managers, among others, who collaborate to find the critical path in each one of them.

Help Desk

Teams of professionals that provide first line attention to users, either by telephone, chat, intranet or any other contact scheme.

We have IP telephony services both local and in the cloud, which allows us to offer turnkey services.

On Site Support

We have a large team of technicians covering strategic points of the country, allowing us to provide field support structures under the most demanding SLA schemes.

We have developed a system of “Distributed Logistics On Demand”, which allows us to manage parts and spare parts of our customers, distributing them in a preventive way in the 45 centers we have throughout the country.

We have experience in the main monitoring and control tools.
This scheme allows us to repair equipment anywhere in the country without depending on transportation companies whose SLAs do not match the needs of our customers.


Smart Solutions has the capability to provide monitoring services, which are backed by years of experience in observability best practices, and clients throughout the region.

We have a team of specialists to offer consulting services. This allows us to guide our clients in the right direction in terms of evolving their observability schemes.

Special Projects

All companies are occasionally faced with needs that cannot be covered with their current staff, as an example we can name:

  • Datacenter moves
  • Deployment/migration of desktop equipment.
  • Printer fleet renewals
  • IP telephony migrations
  • Branch office closures (including logistics and final disposal)
  • Technological survey projects and tool upgrades
  • Migration to Assets with RFID scheme
  • User training
  • Applications survey
  • Branch openings

For all these challenges, we have a group of professionals, composed of Field Technicians, Logistics Specialists, Project Managers, among others, who collaborate to find the critical path in each one of them.

Software tools and Best Practices

These leading products and practices are just a few options in a broad and ever-evolving market, but they represent proven and reliable solutions for addressing specific needs in FinOps optimization, observability, cloud expertise, and Kubernetes management.

These leading products and practices are reliable solutions for optimizing FinOps, enhancing observability, cloud expertise, and managing Kubernetes.

These practices help companies understand and control their cloud costs more effectively, resulting in better resource allocation, identification of cost-saving areas, and prevention of overspending. For example, by implementing policies for automatic provisioning and destruction of unused resources, companies can avoid paying for underutilized resources, leading to significant long-term savings.

These practices optimize cloud cost management by preventing overspending and identifying savings opportunities through automated resource provisioning and destruction.

AWS Cost Explorer

The AWS tool that allows you to visualize, understand, and control cloud costs is called “AWS Cost Explorer.

Azure Cost Management

The Microsoft Azure platform that offers visibility and control over cloud costs.

Google Cloud Billing

The Google Cloud tool that provides detailed information on cloud spending and enables cost optimization is called “Google Cloud Cost Management.”

Leading Practices
Establishment of cost tags and policies
Implementation of budgets and expense alerts.
Regular cost analysis and resource optimization based on demand.
AWS Cost Explorer

The AWS tool that allows you to visualize, understand, and control cloud costs is called “AWS Cost Explorer.

Azure Cost Management

The Microsoft Azure platform that offers visibility and control over cloud costs.

Google Cloud Billing

The Google Cloud tool that provides detailed information on cloud spending and enables cost optimization is called “Google Cloud Cost Management.”

Establishment of cost tags and policies
Implementation of budgets and expense alerts.
Regular cost analysis and resource optimization based on demand.

By improving visibility and understanding of cloud infrastructure and applications, enterprises can identify and resolve performance issues faster and more efficiently, reducing downtime and improving the user experience. This translates into savings by avoiding lost revenue associated with downtime and improving operational efficiency by minimizing time and resources spent troubleshooting.

Improved cloud visibility enables faster issue resolution, reducing downtime and enhancing user experience, ultimately saving revenue and optimizing operational efficiency.


Data monitoring and analysis platform that provides complete visibility into infrastructure, applications and logs.


Monitoring and alerting system specially designed for container and microservices environments.


Data analysis and visualization platform that integrates with multiple data sources to provide customized observability dashboards.

Leading Practices
Implementation of key performance metrics (KPIs) and alarms.
Centralization of logs and events for forensic analysis.
Implementation of distributed observability techniques, such as distributed tracking and telemetry.

Data monitoring and analysis platform that provides complete visibility into infrastructure, applications and logs.


Monitoring and alerting system specially designed for container and microservices environments.


Data analysis and visualization platform that integrates with multiple data sources to provide customized observability dashboards.

Implementation of key performance metrics (KPIs) and alarms.
Centralization of logs and events for forensic analysis.
Implementation of distributed observability techniques, such as distributed tracking and telemetry.

Implementing infrastructure practices such as code and autoscaling services enables enterprises to optimize the use of cloud resources, resulting in better capacity utilization and reduced costs by avoiding over-provisioning. In addition, the use of efficient storage services and data transfer optimization help reduce the costs associated with cloud storage and data transfer.

By using code and autoscaling, enterprises optimize cloud resource use, reducing costs and improving efficiency. Efficient storage and data transfer further cut expenses.

AWS Lambda

AWS serverless computing service that allows you to execute code in response to events without the need to provision or manage servers.

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Fully managed administration service for Microsoft Azure Kubernetes.

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Fully managed Kubernetes service from Google Cloud.

Leading Practices
Microservices and containers architecture.
Implementation of DevOps and CI/CD for deployment automation.
Cloud migration strategies, such as lift-and-shift, re-platforming or re-factoring.
AWS Lambda

AWS serverless computing service that allows you to execute code in response to events without the need to provision or manage servers.

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Fully managed administration service for Microsoft Azure Kubernetes.

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Fully managed Kubernetes service from Google Cloud.

Microservices and containers architecture.
Implementation of DevOps and CI/CD for deployment automation.
Cloud migration strategies, such as lift-and-shift, re-platforming or re-factoring.

By using Kubernetes and associated practices such as automation and autoscaling, enterprises can improve operational efficiency while reducing infrastructure costs by ensuring that they only use the resources needed to meet current demand. In addition, by implementing horizontal and vertical scaling policies, enterprises can optimize resource usage and minimize the costs associated with running applications in Kubernetes environments.

By leveraging Kubernetes, automation, and autoscaling, enterprises enhance operational efficiency and cut infrastructure costs to meet current demand. Horizontal and vertical scaling policies optimize resource usage, minimizing expenses in Kubernetes environments.

Kubernetes Dashboard

Official Kubernetes web interface for cluster management and monitoring.


Kubernetes package manager that facilitates the deployment and administration of complex applications.


Mesh service platform that allows connecting, securing, monitoring and observing services in a Kubernetes cluster.

Leading Practices
Implementation of access and security policies.
Implementation of canary and blue-green deployment practices to minimize the impact of upgrades.
Monitoring and alerting of clusters and applications in Kubernetes using specialized tools.
Kubernetes Dashboard

Official Kubernetes web interface for cluster management and monitoring.


Kubernetes package manager that facilitates the deployment and administration of complex applications.


Mesh service platform that allows connecting, securing, monitoring and observing services in a Kubernetes cluster.

Implementation of access and security policies.
Implementation of canary and blue-green deployment practices to minimize the impact of upgrades.
Monitoring and alerting of clusters and applications in Kubernetes using specialized tools.

Joourney to Cloud

It’s the gradual process of migrating and adopting cloud services by a company, from initial assessment to full implementation and ongoing optimization.

In this journey, we accompany companies at every stage, providing expert guidance and customized solutions to maximize the benefits of the cloud.

Value and Savings

We assist companies in assessing their existing infrastructure and developing a cloud migration strategy aligned with their business and IT objectives. This enables them to identify savings and efficiency opportunities from the outset.

Migration and Deployment

We help companies assess their existing infrastructure and develop a cloud migration strategy aligned with their business and IT objectives. This enables them to identify savings and efficiency opportunities from the outset.

Operations and Optimization

Once in the cloud, we continue supporting companies in the management and optimization of their infrastructure, applications, and processes. This translates into sustainable long-term savings through the implementation of FinOps practices, observability, and efficient Kubernetes management, ensuring that resources are used optimally and costs are kept under control.

Additional Benefits

We assist companies in assessing their existing infrastructure and developing a cloud migration strategy aligned with their business and IT objectives. This enables them to identify savings and efficiency opportunities from the outset.

We help companies assess their existing infrastructure and develop a cloud migration strategy aligned with their business and IT objectives. This enables them to identify savings and efficiency opportunities from the outset.

Once in the cloud, we continue supporting companies in the management and optimization of their infrastructure, applications, and processes. This translates into sustainable long-term savings through the implementation of FinOps practices, observability, and efficient Kubernetes management, ensuring that resources are used optimally and costs are kept under control.

Additional Benefits

The cloud provides businesses with the ability to scale resources according to demand, allowing them to quickly adapt to changing market conditions and business needs.

We help companies assess their existing infrastructure and develop a cloud migration strategy aligned with their business and IT objectives. This enables them to identify savings and efficiency opportunities from the outset.

By migrating to the cloud, businesses can quickly leverage the latest technologies and services, enabling them to innovate faster and stay competitive in their industry.

Cloud solutions offer superior levels of security and resilience, with integrated capabilities for backup, disaster recovery, and compliance, providing peace of mind to businesses and their customers.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will help companies measure the success of their modernization initiatives and cloud technology adoption, enabling them to effectively track their progress and make informed decisions to continuously improve their infrastructure and technology operations.

Enhanced Service Availability and Reliability

The system availability KPIs and mean time to detect and resolve issues reflect a company’s ability to ensure business continuity and customer satisfaction by minimizing downtime and resolving issues quickly. This translates into greater customer confidence and a better brand reputation, which can lead to increased revenue and customer retention.

Agility and Innovation Capability

The successful adoption of Kubernetes and the cloud is reflected in increased operational agility and innovation capability. Financial companies can launch new products and services more quickly, adapt to market demands with greater flexibility, and respond more swiftly to emerging opportunities. This enables them to stay competitive in a constantly changing business environment and potentially capture new sources of revenue.

Improvement of Customer Experience

All of these metrics ultimately translate into a better customer experience. Cost optimization and operational efficiency can enable financial companies to offer more cost-effective products and services to their customers. Increased service availability and reliability ensure that customers can access their services when needed, while innovation capability allows them to offer more advanced solutions tailored to changing customer needs.

The system availability KPIs and mean time to detect and resolve issues reflect a company’s ability to ensure business continuity and customer satisfaction by minimizing downtime and resolving issues quickly. This translates into greater customer confidence and a better brand reputation, which can lead to increased revenue and customer retention.

The successful adoption of Kubernetes and the cloud is reflected in increased operational agility and innovation capability. Financial companies can launch new products and services more quickly, adapt to market demands with greater flexibility, and respond more swiftly to emerging opportunities. This enables them to stay competitive in a constantly changing business environment and potentially capture new sources of revenue.

All of these metrics ultimately translate into a better customer experience. Cost optimization and operational efficiency can enable financial companies to offer more cost-effective products and services to their customers. Increased service availability and reliability ensure that customers can access their services when needed, while innovation capability allows them to offer more advanced solutions tailored to changing customer needs.

Details about “KPIS”

Cloud Adoption Rate
  • KPI: Percentage of workloads migrated to the cloud.
Cloud Cost Efficiency
  • KPI: Cost per processed transaction, cost per active user, cost per service provided.
  • Operational Cost Reduction: Percentage of operational cost reduction after the implementation of FinOps practices and cloud optimization.

Mean Time to Detect and Resolve Issues

  • KPI: Average time from detection to resolution of critical system issues.
  • System Availability Percentage: Percentage of time that the system or service is available for use.
  • Kubernetes Adoption Rate: Percentage of applications and workloads running on Kubernetes environments.
  • Employee Turnover Rate and Team Satisfaction: Personnel turnover rate in the technology team, team satisfaction surveys.
  • KPI: Percentage of workloads migrated to the cloud.
  • KPI: Cost per processed transaction, cost per active user, cost per service provided.
  • Operational Cost Reduction: Percentage of operational cost reduction after the implementation of FinOps practices and cloud optimization.

  • KPI: Average time from detection to resolution of critical system issues.
  • System Availability Percentage: Percentage of time that the system or service is available for use.
  • Kubernetes Adoption Rate: Percentage of applications and workloads running on Kubernetes environments.
  • Employee Turnover Rate and Team Satisfaction: Personnel turnover rate in the technology team, team satisfaction surveys.

Contact Us!

Let our specialized services in FinOps, Observability, Cloud, and Kubernetes drive your business success in the digital era.